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Our vision is to offer our own skills combined with a Network of highly qualified Professionals to assist our Clients achieve their Goals.


F M G r o u p

Our vision is to offer our own skills combined with a Network of highly qualified Professionals throughout the world to assist our Clients achieve their Goals.







In our approach to business, we believe in the Small World Theory - a theory that purports the idea that a “hidden” pattern is the key to how networks optimally interact and exchange information.

The Small World Theory, also known as the Six Degrees of Separation, suggests that every person in the world is connected to any other person by a maximum of six intermediate connections.  

While this concept was initially introduced in social sciences, it has significant implications for the business world as well. By understanding and leveraging the Small World Theory, businesses can improve various aspects of their operations and achieve greater success. 

Firstly, the Small World Theory highlights the power of networking. In a small world, connections matter. By actively cultivating and expanding their network, businesses can tap into a vast array of resources, opportunities, and expertise. 

Moreover, the Small World Theory emphasizes the importance of effective communication within and outside an organization. Recognizing that information may flow through multiple channels before reaching its intended destination, businesses can ensure that their internal and external communication strategies are clear, concise, and easily transferable. This can lead to improved coordination, reduced errors, and enhanced productivity. 

Additionally, the Small World Theory highlights the significance of social influence and word-of-mouth marketing. In a tightly connected world, one person's positive experience or recommendation can rapidly propagate through their network, influencing the decisions of others. 

Furthermore, the Small World Theory encourages businesses to embrace diversity and inclusivity. Since individuals in a small world come from various backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, it is crucial for businesses to value diversity and foster an inclusive environment. By embracing diverse perspectives, businesses can gain a broader understanding of their target markets and identify untapped opportunities. Additionally, diversity within teams can enhance creativity, problem-solving, and innovation, providing a competitive edge in the dynamic business landscape. 

Lastly, the Small World Theory reminds businesses of the interconnectedness of their actions and decisions. In a small world, the consequences of one's choices can extend beyond immediate circles. Businesses need to consider the potential ripple effects of their decisions on stakeholders, society, and the environment. Embracing the Small World Theory enables businesses to navigate the interconnectedness of today's globalized world and thrive amidst the interconnectivity of people and ideas.  

Scientific research also shows that the human brain works in the same way (see figure below), thus giving a blueprint for dynamic interactions in our physical as well as social worlds.  

This approach gives our clients the opportunity to rely on the best combination of human capital in a network across geographical and cultural boundaries.